The drone footage has since been posted on Youtube as the husband who at first identified himself as Yaog, which is his Youtube handle, explained the video.
The footage has since amassed over 11 million views and counting since it was posted on Monday, November 21
Going by the comments on the video, very few seemed surprised as many have concluded that faithfulness in a relationship is a myth.
Yaog explained that his wife was cheating on him a few blocks from their home. He said an acquaintance had told him his wife was spotted with another man, and after several failed attempts to trail her, he decided to send the drone after her.
At the point where his wife kisses the driver of a car before getting in, Yaog says, “If you watch carefully you’re gonna be able to see 18 years go right down the fucking drain."
According to him, after confronting his wife about the incident, she reportedly claimed to have seen the other man three times, and had only as far as held hands and kissed.
However, Yaog said that although he has been able to forgive her, he would never trust her again.
Yaog has also identified himself as John G. of Northern Pennsylvania to Daily Mail and revealed his plans to file for a divorce.
“It’s not healthy for a relationship to have that scepticism, because once that honesty goes out the window there is no relationship. So I don’t think a reconciliation is going to work,” Yaog tells Daily Mail.
Although he expressed worry for their teenage kids, he insists on going through with the divorce.