This question has puzzled both men and women for ages, with many going to great lengths to improve their performance out of insecurity or frustration.
But is it really just a matter of luck? No. Science says a combination of biological, psychological, and lifestyle factors all determine how long a man lasts during sex.
Let’s break it down.
1. It’s all about nerve sensitivity
Some men naturally have more sensitive nerve endings in their genitals, which means they feel pleasure faster and reach orgasm more quickly. Others have lower sensitivity, allowing them to last longer. This is purely biological and not something you can change. However, desensitising creams or condoms can help if you're on the overly sensitive side.
2. Your brain controls the show
Sex isn’t just physical—it’s heavily controlled by the brain. Anxiety, overexcitement, or even just the pressure to perform can make men finish faster than they’d like. On the other hand, men who are more relaxed and confident tend to have better control over their stamina.
Some men train themselves to delay orgasm by shifting their thoughts away from the excitement—like thinking about something completely unrelated.

3. Your testosterone levels matter
Testosterone is the key male hormone responsible for sexual drive and performance. Men with higher testosterone tend to have better endurance. But don’t be fooled—too much testosterone can also lead to impulsiveness, which might make a man rush through sex without control.
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4. Your lifestyle plays a big role
What you eat, how often you exercise, and your daily habits directly affect how long you last in bed.
Men who eat junk food, smoke, or drink excessively tend to have weaker blood circulation, which can lead to poor erection quality and shorter stamina.
Regular exercise, especially cardio and strength training, improves blood flow, helping men last longer.
Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can improve endurance and control.
5. Experience and practice matter
Let’s be real, men who frequently have sex or practice self-control techniques (like edging) tend to last longer. On the other hand, men who go long periods without sex may find that they finish too quickly due to built-up excitement. Practice makes perfect, and knowing your body helps a lot.
Can you last longer? Absolutely!
If you’re wondering whether stamina in bed is something you can improve, the answer is yes. With a combination of lifestyle changes, better control, and practice, most men can increase their endurance.
ALSO READ: Science says men should ejaculate 21 times a month