The Afro hair grows in a tiny angle-like helix shape, which makes it naturally curly and denser than straight hair, thereby making it more fragile and in need of more care.
Here are basic care tips for your hair that leaves it softer and tender:
- Hydration
Hydrating your hair makes sure that it’s never dry. Dryness is the archenemy of every kinky hair. Before styling your hair, make sure to add moisturizing milk or cream to it.
Wearing protective styles like braids needs you to always add extra moisturizer so that when you take it out, it doesn’t leave your hair all dry and tangled.
- Water
This is a very essential step to not be missed, especially in the process of detangling your hair. Because of the curly nature of the Afro hair, it is more vulnerable to tangling up especially when one just runs a comb through without proper preparation.
Get a sprinkler or an old perfume bottle, fill with water and spray generously on your hair when detangling.
Use of wide-toothed comb
- If you’re rocking an Afro hair, then this has to be in your hair care package.
- Use combs that have wider teeth that can go through your hair with little or no stress.
- Using this ensures you don’t end up losing too much hair in the process of detangling.
Wash day routine
You need to wash your hair at least once every two weeks in order to avoid fizziness and dryness. This also gives you healthier and shinier hair .
Protective Styling
We know rocking an Afro hair almost all the time is tempting, because of how beautiful it looks but it is advised to wear protective styling at least once a month.
This prevents breakage, drying out, and helps the natural hair grow better without duress and overall damage.
Protective styling might include Bantu knots, braids, twist out, etc. Please ensure that these styles are not too loose or tight so as to protect your edges.
Olopade Adunola create engaging, stimulating, problem solving and solution based content. In the nearest future, I see myself creating ground breaking , inclusive content in the art and fashion industry.
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