This Ugandan beauty won our hearts when she won the first season of the Africa’s next top model.
20 year old Aamito Stacie Lagum beat Michela Pinto and Opeyemi Awoyemi at the finals to become the winner of the first ever Africa's Next Top Model (a franchise of America Next Top Model) hosted by Oluchi Onweagba.
Did we tell you the charming girl can laugh? She is so adorable. got a chance to chat with this Ebony beauty:
1.Did you think you would win the competition?
No, I didn't think I would win but I was optimistic. I had hope and I also prayed for God's help.
2. We noticed that you got emotional a lot especially during the tasks. Why was this or was it a strategy especially considering that you always did well in the given tasks at the end of the day?
I wanted this so bad, so the thought of not being able to deliver as expected was unbearable for me. To think that one of us would be going home and it could be any of us made me so emotional. And lastly crying for me is therapeutic! It's like a cleansing process. It helped me overcome my fears, you should try it too some time... Lol
3. What has changed for you since winning? Has it been a smooth transition and have you moved to New York?
After winning a lot changed. I had to even change my old telephone number. It's crazy. Lots of people pay attention when I walk into a room, before now no one even cared! It's so crazy! I’m moving to New York soon.
4. What projects/shoots do you have lined up and which have you done so far?
I don't count my eggs before they hatch... Lol Yes I am superstitious but when I am allowed to tell you, you will be the first to know
5. What is a typical day like for you now?
My day begins at 6am, then I head out for my workout session or I run a bit around the neighbourhood, then later on head out for casting(s). If I have a photo-shoot after my workout, I head for my shoot.
6. Who is the lucky guy in your life? Do you get approached by more men now that you're Africa's Next Top Model.
No I don't get approached by men because they now don't have access to me . Lol
7. Many are of the opinion that you have a big behind. Do you agree with this and do you have any insecurity about your body?
Is it many or is it just you. Cause I haven't heard it from anyone else but u.. Lol I am perfectly comfortable in my own skin. If I had any insecurities, it would have shown in my performance.
8. What designers are you looking forward to working with?
Karl Lagerfield is one of those on my list. However working with each designer is a unique experience. I look forward to working with them all. It will be such a great honor working with each and every one of them.
9. Whom did you consider your biggest threat in the competition and why?
I think that all the 11 girls are so beautiful and unique in their own way. They were all competition; I don't want to imagine how hard it was for the judges. I wouldn't want to be in there place... Well for now.
10. What's the one thing about you a lot of people don't know?
Haha... That's a hard one…I’m quite an open book. What you see is what you get. Lol.