The new episode is titled "Donald Trump is President and Prince Harry loves a black woman" and revolves around Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the November 8 US Presidential election, and Prince Harry's relationship with "Suits" actress, Meghan Markle.
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Summary of episode by Akah;
Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world today!I woke up to the shocking news and knew i had to make a video. Also, Prince Harry of the British Monarchy is in love with Meghan Markle, a black american actress (the hot girl in Suits)!!! Whaatt????I'm just like... what the hell is happening?? I mean, TB Joshua's prophecy was wrong, and Daddy Freeze was right. Lol... Deep tins mehn!
The episode features Akah alongside Makida Moka.