Beauty & Health12 Apr 2022How to have a healthy VaginaThe vagina is a most remarkable organ. It is a tube that runs from the Vulva (the outside of the female genital area) to the Cervix (the opening of the womb).
Womens health6 Apr 2022Why some women miss their period<strong> </strong>Issues regarding missed periods or stopped periods are very common amongst women.
Beauty & Health2 Apr 2022Here's why your breasts are leaking milk when you're not pregnantWhen a woman’s breasts produce milk, it is known as Lactation.
Womens health29 Jan 2022Why do women look different during pregnancy?You must have all seen the recent trend showing the pictures of beautiful ladies before pregnancy and during pregnancy.
Beauty & Health29 Jan 2022Get rid of headaches with these simple stepsI think we can all agree that headaches are quite common, especially in this day and age where everything is moving so fast.
Beauty & Health29 Dec 2021This thing called Hormone ImbalanceTo understand what Hormone imbalance is about, we need to understand what Hormones are.
Beauty & Health1 Nov 2021Why women should urinate after sexFor the sexually active women reading this, you might have heard that urinating after sex is a good idea.
Beauty & Health1 Nov 2021Can an Apetamine give you a curvy body?When it comes to the conversation about body weight, most women are looking for ways to lose weight. A curious thing you tend to notice though, is that they would like to retain the “weight” in their breasts, hips and butt.
Beauty & Health16 Aug 2021Here’s why you should not hold your urineThe truth is that we have all held in our pee at some point in our lives.
Beauty & Health3 Aug 2021How to clean your earsBefore we discuss the best ways to clean the ears, let me explain why ALL Doctors agree that cotton buds are a bad idea.
Beauty & Health27 Jul 2021Why you shouldn't wash your vagina [Pulse Contributor's Opinion]Washing the vagina (the inner part of the female private part) is such an important issue.
Relationships & Weddings23 Jul 2021Who should you marry? [Pulse Contributor's Opinion](A careful look at your genotype).