Love changes
7 things people get to learn from marriage
While relationships might differ in several ways, they're also unified in others. Seven things you're bound to learn from many marriages.
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Maybe a change for the better, or for worse, but surely there’s going to be a change in the love you have for your spouse as you spend more years in that marriage.
Hopefully, the love grows and not lessen.
The little things matter as much as the big ones
Sounds familiar? Of course it does, because it’s so true.
The little things you do for your partner are just as important as the ‘great’ acts of love you do.
Actually in some cases, the little things are more important than the great ones.
With the good comes the bad
Times do not always last forever, and life itself is not always a bed of roses.
Appreciate the good times and stick by your spouse through the bad, because almost all the times, marriages go through these phases.
You need to go on dates
Dating doesn't stop when you get married.
You know what really matters
For the marriages that will stand the test of time, along the line, the spouses get to know the things that hold weight in the heart of the other.
They understand each other more, and realise what to put emphasis and preference on.
The sex gets better
It might not be as frequent as when you first got hitched, but then, it gets a lot better and really, that’s all that’s going to matter in the end.
Saying thank you and I’m sorry remains potent
Remembering to always thank you for the efforts your spouse makes remains a great thing, as well as learning to defuse tense situations by giving timely apologies are two great tools to ensuring the longevity of your marriage.
Every successful marriage is built, and still stands on this.
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