Articles written by the author
'How I Got Sun-Kissed Highlights Without Damaging My Virgin Hair'
Growing up, I wasn't allowed to dye my hair. No matter how badly I wanted lighter locks, my mom barred me from going to the colorist because she didn't want me to damage my strands.How To Deep Clean A Beautyblender So It Looks Brand New
Even if you spend a fortune on your skincare routinecleansers, masks, toners, serums, you name ityou might not be considering the unkempt Beautyblender you press into your face daily for months on end. Think about it: When's the last time you cleaned your blender? If it's not after each use, you're not cleaning it enough.How to Remove Blackheads at Home Without Wrecking Your Skin
Pores get a bad rap, but these microscopic openings in your skin are actually vital for producing oils that moisturize and maintain a healthy complexion. When pores get clogged and form blackheads, however, all you want to do is get rid of them. Preventing blackheads entails much more than lathering up a cleanser and splashing some warm water on your face. Ahead, celebrity esthetician Kate Somerville, founder of <a href="" id="2a32fe92-cd6f-3ccc-a7fb-...