Articles written by the author
I Ate Fake Protein for Four Weeks Straight and Here's What Happened
How much longer do we have to keep all this fake meat in the fridge? my wife yells from the kitchen.The Crazy Food Fight Over The Future of Vegetables
<strong> On a cold, rainy night in Brooklyn </strong> , a crowd gathers inside the building that houses <a href="" id="500fc079-fd5a-3182-a910-40b9be16dc0e"> Square Roots </a> , a company cofounded by CEO Tobias Peggs, a tech entrepreneur, and Kimbal Musk, who sits on the boards of Tesla and SpaceX (both started by his older brother, Elon) as well as Chipotle. Located on a dreary street in Bedford-Stuyvesant, the building is, technically, a farm. Its parking lot h...