14 Aug 2024Elizabeth Warren's Backup Backup Health PlanThe Democratic presidential candidates have been fighting over whether they should try to replace the health insurance system with a single government-run plan or create a government-run plan that Americans could choose to join.
3 May 2019Religion is in the middle with a new shift in rights of patient and provider(The Upshot): President Donald Trump on Thursday announced an expanded “conscience rule” to protect health care workers who oppose abortion, sterilization, assisted suicide and other medical procedures on religious or moral grounds.
2 May 2019Why price swings in medicine are so dizzying(The Upshot): It’s one of the most common tests in medicine, and it is performed millions of times a year around the country. Should a metabolic blood panel test cost $11 or $952?
2 May 2019'Medicare for All' gets much-awaited report, both sides can claim victory(The Upshot): The Congressional Budget Office published a much-awaited paper about the possible design of a single-payer or “Medicare for all” system in the United States.
20 Feb 2019What's the difference between a 'public option' and 'medicare for all'? We got youHere’s your neighborhood health care nerd to help define some terms.
24 Jan 2019After falling under Obama, America's uninsured rate looks to be risingNew polling from Gallup shows that the percentage of uninsured Americans inched up throughout last year. That trend matches other data suggesting that health coverage has eroded under the policies of the Trump administration.