Articles written by the author
Why Some Young Voters Are Choosing Democratic Socialism Over the Democratic Party
COLUMBUS, Ohio — As Tuesday night’s Democratic debate approached, members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Ohio State University tried to figure out where to focus their energy.Democrats Seek Young Voters, and the Memes That Move Them
Lucas Carrol, a freshman at Boston College, was sitting on his bed in his dorm room, bored on a Sunday, when he decided to create an unofficial “Pete Buttigieg for President” Facebook page. It was four days after the South Bend mayor announced his exploratory committee in late January.'You can't always be exactly who you are': A chat with Maya Rupert
Maya Rupert has a tough job: As campaign manager for Julián Castro, she is trying to help elect the first Latino president in U.S. history.Democrats seek young voters, and the memes that move them
Lucas Carrol, a freshman at Boston College, was sitting in his dorm room, bored, when he decided to create an unofficial “Pete Buttigieg for President” Facebook page. It was four days after the South Bend mayor announced his exploratory committee in late January.Constantly on the go, looking for new voices
Back in New York, he walked into the House of Campari’s show “Defining a Moment: 25 New York Artists” and was immediately drawn to the works of Titus Kaphar and Rashid Johnson, artists who would soon become modern black masters.