Pulse Picks
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Gina Kolata
Articles written by the author
Surgery for Blocked Arteries Is Often Unwarranted, Researchers Find
Scientists Designed a Drug for Just One Patient. Her Name Is Mila
Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice.
Surgeons Labored to Save the Wounded in El Paso Mass Shooting
'Partly Alive': Scientists Revive Cells in Brains From Dead Pigs
'Partly Alive': Scientists Revive Cells in Brains From Dead Pigs
Osteoporosis Drug Deploys Genetic Tool to Build Bone
Most Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Build Bone. This One Does.
Most Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Build Bone. This One Does.
Most Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Build Bone. This One Does.
Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients May Not Need Open-Heart Surgery
Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients May Not Need Open-Heart Surgery
For Trebek, the Toughest Question: Can He Face Down Pancreatic Cancer?
A High-Tech Pill to End Drug Injections
Sickle-Cell Patients Dreamed of a Cure. Enter Gene Therapy.
The Bullet Lodged in His Knee. Then the Injuries Really Began.
Dr. Henry Lynch, 91, dies; found hereditary link in cancer
Study opens up a gap between life and death
For many boys with duchenne muscular dystrophy, bright hope lies just beyond reach
Tens of thousands of heart patients may not need open-heart surgery