Pulse Picks
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Dennis Overbye
Articles written by the author
For a Split Second, a (Simulated) Particle Went Backward in Time
Darkness Visible, Finally: Astronomers Capture First Ever Image of a Black Hole
Black Hole Image Revealed for First Time Ever
Black Hole Picture Revealed for the First Time
Black Hole Picture Revealed for the First Time
Black Hole Picture Revealed for the First Time
Black Hole Picture Revealed for the First Time
Expected Soon: First-Ever Photo of a Black Hole
Expected Soon: First-Ever Photo of a Black Hole
Apocalypse Next? Astronomers Find a Chunk of Planet Around a Distant, Dead Star
Andromeda Is Coming for Our Milky Way Galaxy, Eventually
Broadcasting from Deep Space, a Mysterious Series of Radio Signals
It's Intermission for CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Hawaii telescope project, long disputed, will begin construction
In Hawaii, construction to begin on disputed telescope project
Peering into light's graveyard: The first image of a Black Hole
Anticipation for first black hole photos
Cosmic confusion over the ever-expanding universe
More trouble for the Hubble Telescope as a primary camera malfunctions
Another Day, another exoplanet: NASA's TESS keeps counting more