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Christine Flammia

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Mens health
17 Aug 2024

This Etsy Artist Makes Custom Temporary Tattoos of People's Faces

I recently told my family that if our self-quarantine lasted throughout the summer, my next big purchase for the house would be a tattoo gun. Nobody thought it was funny except for me, which is about how all jokes are going in the current climate. And fine, trying to tattoo myself at home is probably an awful idea. But there's an itch for itto do something fun, to change up my look, to bring some newness into my day that isn't another bread recipe.
This Artist Can Turn Portraits  Temporary Tattoos
Mens health
16 Aug 2024

Save $90 on Everlast's Powercore Dual Bag and Stand at Dick's Sporting Goods

Learning to box isnt just a good workout because of its scalable difficultyalthough thats certainly a pro. Boxing is also great because when youre boxing (correctly, at least), you really cant do anythingor think about anythingother than boxing. No social isolation, no cabin fever, no fear of economic collapse. In a fight, a spiraling thought that takes you mentally outside of the ring is also right about the time youd get punched in the face.
Save Big on Everlast’s Powercore Bag Stand Today