A year and a half later, with no gun violence legislation having been enacted in the interim, Rubio is again at the center of a churning national debate about public safety and gun control.
In a state now stricken by a second catastrophic shooting, Rubio is under intense scrutiny. So far, he has struck an unsteady balance between firmly supporting gun rights and appearing proactive in response to atrocities at home, with decidedly mixed results.
In a televised town hall-style meeting Wednesday night on CNN, Rubio gamely strained to convince grieving parents and students from Parkland, Florida, that they should view him as an ally. He suggested he might back specific new regulations on weaponry, perhaps including a ban on high-capacity magazines, which allow a gunman to fire a huge number of rounds without reloading.
But in a lengthy and emotional colloquy with Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Rubio politely refused to endorse a ban on assault weapons, drawing jeers from the audience and visibly frustrating Guttenberg.
Rubio leaned further into a different idea Thursday, saying in an interview that he might file legislation to ban certain large magazines, though he acknowledged that he had yet to settle on a specific proposal or discuss the idea with Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader.
“I hope that we can put together a package that I intend to be in the lead on, together with others,” Rubio said.
Rubio may face intense skepticism in any such effort from Democrats, who see him as frequently feinting toward political independence but seldom actually breaking with his party, and from fellow Republicans who are uncertain of his plans and motives. Republicans have largely given Rubio a wide berth to respond to a tragedy in his home state, but he is likely to encounter significant resistance on the right in any effort to restrict magazine sales.
David Keene, a former president of the National Rifle Association who supported Rubio in his difficult race for the Senate in 2010, said magazine restrictions would be a nonstarter. “When something like this happens, politicians want to say: I did something,” Keene said. “Marco Rubio knows better, I think, than to think that’s a realistic response.”
Since his defeat in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, Rubio has tried to reorient himself as a man of the Senate — an institution for which he expressed little love during his first term — and make a deeper mark on legislation. He has exercised significant influence in matters of foreign policy, including toward Venezuela and Cuba, and, during the tax debate last year, forced Republicans leaders to modestly expand a refundable child tax credit he has long championed.
But in other matters, Rubio has taken a more muddled approach. He has castigated the Trump administration for its handling of Russia and threatened to vote down Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s nomination, only to back away from the confrontation. After advocating a comprehensive immigration overhaul under the Obama administration, Rubio opposed a bipartisan immigration deal this month, saying it did not do enough to bolster enforcement.
Rubio maintains that he has demonstrated independence from the GOP by consistently defending Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the presidential election, and been openly critical of the federal government’s initial response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. His reaction to the Parkland shooting, in his view, has built on his long-standing gun policies, now informed by lessons law enforcement and schools officials have learned in the first few days since the massacre at Stoneman Douglas High.
On the Democratic side, a mood of cynicism tends to pervade discussions of Rubio: Rep. Ted Deutch, a Democrat who joined Rubio in the Wednesday town hall and whose district includes Stoneman Douglas High, accused Rubio of favoring only “legislation that the NRA can live with.”
Still, some Democrats welcomed Rubio’s apparent openness to new legislative options. Rep. Charlie Crist of Florida, a Democrat and former Republican who was once Rubio’s bitter rival in a Senate primary, said Rubio’s comments offered reason for optimism.
“I’m encouraged by that, to be honest, and I hope that that evolution continues,” Crist said Thursday. “In the wake of an event such as this, that can happen.”
Crist, a onetime NRA ally who now supports a ban on assault weapons, said much of Florida had undergone a similar reassessment of gun rights orthodoxy after two massacres in the state that targeted young people.
Pushing back on criticism from Deutch and others, Rubio fiercely disputed that he operates with great deference to the NRA He countered that he is focused on practical ideas that might stand a chance of becoming law, and said the assault weapons ban favored by Parkland families is not among them.
“If that is what the expectation of what action is, by some, they’re going to be disappointed,” he said.
Rubio warned against “heading down the same path” lawmakers followed after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in 2016. At the time, Rubio proposed stopping gun purchases for people who had appeared on a federal terrorism watch list in the previous decade, but that idea went nowhere.
Without going into detail, Rubio said on CNN and again in an interview Thursday that he had become aware of information from law enforcement, arising from the Parkland shooting, that led him to reconsider the magazine limit.
“My position has always been that I would vote for anything that would make these shootings either less likely or less lethal — or both,” he said.
Precisely how to regulate magazine capacity is unclear, he added: “I don’t know what the right number is.”
In addition to restricting magazine sales, Rubio also supports raising the minimum age to purchase semi-automatic rifles to 21 from 18, an idea he said he mentioned to Trump on Friday when they flew together on Air Force One from Washington to West Palm Beach. The change has become necessary to update older laws that did not envision the widespread use of AR-15s and similar weapons in mass shootings, Rubio said.
“I’ve never advocated for that in the past, because it largely has never been an issue before,” he said. “Our laws today reflect a time when dealing with gun violence was largely keeping handguns out of the possession of a gangbanger or street thug or what have you.
“Obviously since this increase in mass shootings and the epidemic we now face, it’s now become more of a semi-automatic rifle-based tragedy, so our laws have to change to reflect that.”
Whether Rubio has found himself back in the spotlight as a matter of chance, or placed himself there as a political choice, is a matter of some debate among his colleagues in Washington and Florida. Students who disagreed with Rubio nevertheless thanked him for attending the televised meeting, unlike Trump and Gov. Rick Scott, who did not accept invitations from CNN.
Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., who appeared at the event with Rubio, also applauded Rubio for showing up. Still, Nelson demanded a far more expansive version of gun control than Rubio has been willing to consider, and a political adviser to Nelson said the two men had not conferred about specific bipartisan legislation.
“I think he recognizes that there may be productive incremental steps,” Pete Mitchell, a Nelson adviser, said of the senator. “But I think he made it pretty clear that the actual solution has to include — in his words — getting those weapons off the street.”
Participating in the CNN event, Rubio’s allies said, reflected both his sense of duty and perhaps a certain masochistic streak in his personality. There were no illusions within his circle that Rubio would not face indignant and sometimes hostile questions — and loud jeers on national television — but Rubio decided to proceed all the same.
“No one forced me to run for re-election — I wasn’t even going to,” Rubio said Thursday. “I chose this job, and I voluntarily chose to be in this position, because I want to make a difference.”
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.