This pressure forced her to sleep with another man who got her pregnant and gave birth to a son. But now, she is worried her husband could get to know that the child is not his.
Read her story here:
"My name is Bridget, a 37-year-old woman. I have been married for 15 years with six children but I am presently in a very serious dilemma.
The cause of my predicament is the fact that my newborn son does not belong to my husband, , who has been over the moon since the child came three months ago.
I know what I did is an unforgivable sin but I was forced into it by my mother-in-law whose insistence that I give her grandson as if it is in my power to do so.
I already had five daughters and the pressure from my in-laws and even my husband to have a male child had been building and got to a crescendo when they told me openly that they would marry a new wife for Chike so that she would give him a male child.
My mother-in-law was so vocal about the issue that she always made it open that I was not a complete woman since I could not have a male child.
The insults, name calling, and abuses I got from her got me so demoralized and shattered and my husband who should have defended me, took sides with them and made life a hell for me.
I had prayed, fasted and underwent assignments to no avail. That was when my closest friend, , advised I got a man to get me pregnant since it seemed my husband was not able to father a child.
I know I made the mistake of accepting Oluchi's advice. She was the one that introduced to me and we started a secret affair.
About six months into the affair, I got pregnant. When I went for a scan, the result showed that I was carrying a male child. Though I was happy, I knew I could not tell Richard I was pregnant for him.
When I was three months gone, I told Richard I was no longer comfortable with the relationship because my husband was becoming suspicious, so we had to call it quits.
Chike and his mother, meanwhile, were not enthusiastic about my pregnancy, saying I was carrying the same species that I always gave them and on my part, I did not tell them the result of the scan.
When I put to bed, they were so ecstatic that they did not notice that my son was fair while Chike is dark and I am not too fair either. His mother attributed it to the fact that they have fair people in their family.
As we are preparing to take the child to the church for dedication, I am in great fear because Oluchi called me the other day to say that Richard told he suspects my son belongs to him.
I am really scared that he could come and make trouble for me and reveal the secret. I am sure he could demand a DNA test.
What should I do?
The teaser for the day was:
What would you do if your child does not belong to your husband?
How Nigeria voted:
I will do everything possible to keep it a secret - 42%
I will confess to my husband to avoid future embarrassment - 36%
I will hand the child over to the real father - 5%
I will pay the real father any amount to keep quiet - 17%
How would you vote here?