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Things Your Man Says When He Is Cheating

And today, we have our first female guest, Karen, a die-hard feminist who thinks all men are from Mars and should be sent to Jupiter.

When she brought up the topic, Kane who has been eyeing her, tried to shut her up but as the kingpin in the I had to give her the chance to air her views, knowing that whatever she says will not stop boys from being boys.

So, Karen, take the floor.

She is just a friend: You discover he’s been talking to someone new, who is a female. He hasn’t said anything to you about her before you find out about her. And when you ask him if you can meet her, he objects. It’s because she’s really not a friend, she’s a girlfriend.

Respect my privacy; don’t touch my phone: He doesn’t want you to touch his phone for fear that you will either see text messages from her or that she will send one just as you pick it up. He may even have pictures of her on his phone.

You are cheating on me, aren’t you?: This is a transfer of guilt and most men are guilty of this. Yes, men who cheat will accuse their partners of cheating. Why? It’s because they start to think, ‘well, if I can do it, she could do it too.’

You aren’t good enough: All of sudden, he pokes at all of the things you do wrong and you have no idea what his problem is. He can’t cheat if he loves you or he thinks that you are not good for him. So he makes himself believe that you aren’t the right woman for him and that’s why he had to turn to someone else. In reality, you are more than good enough.

I can do my own laundry: Suddenly, he wants to do his own laundry, something he used to nag you about. At first, you might think he’s being sweet for helping you out. Unfortunately, he’s doing it so he can hide his soiled pants, perfume smell or some other evidence of his liaison with the side kick.

I have to stay back in the office to catch up on work: All of a sudden, he has more work than he knows what to do and can’t come home when he normally does. It’s because he’s not really at work; instead he’s meeting with his girlfriend without a worry that you’ll catch him.

Are you suspecting me: No guy, we are not suspecting you, we are telling you we know you are cheating. Most guys that cheat always have that defensive mechanism that they need to hang on in case you have a point. By saying that, they want you to feel guilty and stay off guard.

Don’t you trust me?: No, we don’t. This cliché is what they use when they want to make the fact that they are cheating seem like your fault. That's not true. It is not your fault. Don't take that crap. If the affair is still hidden, he will make you feel bad for even suspecting anything. They will cause you to question yourself about everything you questioned them about. They will make you think that you are over reacting. They will say things like, ‘If you really loved me, you would trust me.’ Now, you feel like you need to prove your love to them. Now they've put you on the spot to where you feel like you have to give them trust or else they won't believe you love them and you want them to know you do love them.

They will lie to you: Men and lies are like twin brothers. Of course, there are some men who do not lie to their women but the ratio in 10-1. So on the average, men that cheat learn to lie a lot. It does not matter if you have been together for 15years, your cheating spouse will look you in the eye and bold faced lie to you. And they won't think twice about telling you a lie either, so as to cover up the earlier lie. In fact, lying becomes second nature to them. They lie so much and so often, they actually begin to believe themselves. This is part of justifying the affair to themselves. The lying serves two purposes. One, it keeps you at bay. Two, it helps to keep them from feeling any guilt because they feel what you don't know, can't hurt you. And as long as it remains hidden, there are no consequences to deal with.

Okay Karen, you have had your day. Now run along; the guys have some unfinished business to take care of.

We’re Out!

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