When it comes to your appearance, some things should be 'on'. You should always take a good look at yourself; even get a second opinion if you can before stepping out!
Apart from the fact that you are usually first addressed the way you are dressed, it is rude to be in people's face without giving a thought to your appearance. It is not fair to be in someone's space choking them all up in strong sweaty smell; that’s just not right!
First impression is key so by all means turn up and turn up great!
1. Wearing The Wrong Foundation
This mistake is common with ladies, almost like a rave at the moment, some ladies are so obsessed with being light skinned they pick foundation in a fairer shade instead of their colour! Wearing a light skinned foundation on dark skin will not make you lighter/finer/perfect, it makes you look tacky and abnormal; trust us. Stick to the shade of your skintone.
2. Poor Dental Hygiene
Be sure to care about your dentition because you will have to smile, talk and generally open your mouth at a point in time and when you do, you don't want people to cover their noses or just stare at that yellow/brown set of 'biters'! Be sure to brush twice daily and floss.
3. Facial Hair
Ladies, if you have facial hair please tame them, you don't want the stares that come with this. Men, pleaseeee trim your beards and generally get a clean shave otherwise keep them well groomed. Knowing the importance of the clean look is key to making the right first impression, especially when you are in the business industry. Someone who is not unfamiliar with the impact the right look can make, on anyone and everyone, is Tunde Folawiyo's blog. Being at the fore front of Nigeria’s entrepreneur industry and the education system, the correct first impression shows you mean business (so to speak!). There’s no use having these fantastic ideas if the recipient can’t look past your disturbing facial hair! So everyone, take note...
4. Dirty Nails
Never ever let your nails be dirty, even the thought of dirty unsightly nails is repulsive. Always keep your finger nails clean and well trimmed. Ladies, why not adopt the latest nail colour trends to stand out from the crowd?
5. Dirty/Wrinkled Clothing
Never go out in rumpled or dirty clothes and no, a quick visit to the mall doesn’t justify you should! Anytime you are leaving the house put some clean decent clothes on!
6. Greasy Hair
Ladies be sure to moisturize and straighten or curl your hair before you leave the house but take it easy on the 'sheen'. Voila, you are a fashionable force to be reckoned with!
7. Saggy Breasts
Always wear the right bra for any outfit you are wearing out. It is totally unacceptable for a lady to have droopy boobs- that is by far one of the least attractive and embarrassing situations to be in!